Whole Wide World of DevOps: Are You Lost Yet?
Better Value, Sooner, Safer & Happier
DevOps in a Cloud-Native World
52 years since mankind hit the moon - the hit parade of bringing DevOps to SAP
Kubernetes & GitOps: managing and deploying applications is as easy as... git push!
DevOps 101 Workshop
GitOps in a Nutshell
D.A.R.E. more, F.E.A.R. less - The business case of keeping a (daily) journal
Digitalization at Swiss Air-Rescue Rega: Four Key Aspects of Agile Transformation
Building Mobs to Disrupt Silos
DevOps Maturity Assessment - A practical approach
End-to-End Monitoring at Scale
UX Unicorns Do Not Exist: The Myth of the One-Person Usability Team
Automation is hard and we are doing it wrong | This rock is better than your software
Outside-In development guided by tests
Beyond DevOps metrics – technical, business, and culture metrics for the software defined business
Security in CI/CD pipeline - myth or truth
Principles of Observability
Why dread the science of hacking?
DevOps - Philosophy vs Practice
Unquantified Serendipity: Diversity in Development
How to really work as a team - from sleepy to strong pair programming
Why & How the Evolution of Employee Feedback Matters for Everybody
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