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16 - 17 April 2024 | Alte Kaserne Winterthur
I would like to speak at DevOpsDays. How do I go about it?
Prior to each DevOpsDays, we conduct a call for papers. This is distributed via social media, websites and personal network. This is open to anyone. Submissions can include Talks, Ignites, and Workshops. When the CFP is over, the organizing team will put together a program.
Outside the period of an open CFP, you can contact us by email if you are interested.
Can I cancel my participation spontaneously and will my ticket be refunded?
You can cancel your participation up to one week before the event and the costs will be refunded provided that a small handling fee is paid. Be aware that there are only limited places and the tickets are very popular.
It is possible if the badge is returned on the evening of the first day. Exchanges within one day are not possible.
Can I share my ticket with a colleague?
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